Employing a Nanny
Nannies are employed by families. They work from the family’s home but not their own home.
What is a Nanny?
Nannies are employed by the family and work from that family’s home.
In Jersey, parents can choose to employ a nanny who is accredited with us through the Nanny Accreditation Scheme or who is not accredited.
A nanny is not legally allowed to care for children in their own home. If you would like your child to be looked after in the carer’s home, you will be looking for a registered childminder.
How to Find a Nanny
You can advertise your position for a nanny from the Childcare Information page.
A sample Nanny Contract of Employment, also known as Written Terms of Employment can be viewed here, however, please also refer to the JACS Disciplinary Procedure and Grievance Procedure
How much does a Nanny Cost?
An Accredited Nanny’s salary can vary according to knowledge and experience, typically ranging from £15.50 to £20 per hour.
We do not have average rates for nannies who are not accredited.
General Information
- You employ a nanny, so they work to your (previously agreed) job description.
- They are paid a salary for the position, not an hourly rate per child, as with other forms of childcare.
- Nannies (and only nannies) can provide childcare without being legally required to be registered or accredited. This is because they are employed and working from your home. We would recommend you recruiting an accredited nanny or one who has the relevant qualifications to become accredited.
- It is the responsibility of the employer to do the background checks and ensure the nanny is suitable for your position. Even though an accredited nanny’s background is thoroughly checked, you will still need to follow a good recruitment process with interviews, reference and qualification checks.
- Ask for original certificates as proof of a nanny’s childcare qualifications, First Aid Training and Safeguarding Training.
- They can be spontaneous and flexible. A nanny can tailor the day to how your child is feeling and the weather without restrictions!
- They will have paid holidays which are booked in advance with you.
For employer and employee info and advice: www.jacs.org.je
Types of Nannies
- Daily/live-out nannies come to the family home each day to care for the children and are the most common type of nanny. Duties are generally restricted to caring for the children and related household duties, such as doing their washing, ironing and preparing their meals. Babysitting in the evenings might be arranged as part of the terms of employment, or in exchange for extra pay.
- Live-in nannies live with the family they are working for. They may have their own room/s in the home, or may have separate living quarters.
- Nanny share is where one nanny is shared by two families; either at the same time, ensuring that the care happens in each of the homes at some point. The nanny may care for the children from each family at the same time or separately, depending on what is required. Both families set up a contract of employment independently with the nanny.
Motor Expenses
- Based on the current States Employees’ mileage rates guidance, we would suggest that 60 pence per mile is reasonable for a nanny who is using their own vehicle for their role – this covers wear and tear, fuel and servicing. However, each employer will have differing contractual arrangements with their nanny.
Parents’ Top Tips
Please note: these are opinions from parents and are not those of the Trust.
- Start looking early to give yourself plenty of time. You will almost definitely need it. Even if you are 20 weeks pregnant, you should already be thinking about your nanny position and what you would like in a nanny.
- Identify what is important to you and your family so that you can clearly tell prospective nannies your expectations from them. Every family is so different and so is every nanny. What suits one may not suit another and knowing what is important to your family is the first step to finding the right nanny for you.
- The best guide is your own gut reaction to a person. Do they seem caring, calm and confident?
- Ask to see references from other parents. These can be very telling.
- Ask questions. If it is important to you then ask about it. If you want your nanny to read to your child often then check that that is something they are happy to do. Use their interview to tease out values, skills and ways of dealing with things such as behavioural issues and whether they have special needs skills.
- Important to ask ‘what if…’ For example, if your child develops a severe nut allergy will the nanny still be able to accommodate him/her?
- Manage expectations from the beginning. Make sure you have both read through and agreed the contract at interview so that both sides know exactly where they stand. By outlining what you are hoping and expecting from your nanny early on it will avoid misunderstandings.
- You need to be prepared to discuss issues as they arise. As an employee, nannies depending on their contractual arrangements may be paid when they are on sick leave, but consider how you would deal with the possibility of a nanny who seems to be going off sick regularly. Or if you feel they have done something you don’t approve of.
Other Home-Help Options
- Maternity nurses are specialist nannies who take care of newborn babies for up to 3 months after the birth. They generally live with the family and are often on call for the baby 24 hours a day, six days a week.
- A mother’s help usually works alongside the parents in their home, helping with childcare and general household work. A mother’s help is unlikely to have formal childcare qualifications, but may be experienced.
- An au pair is different to a nanny. An au pair usually lives with a family, helping in the home and caring for children for a maximum of five hours a day in exchange for accommodation and food, and the chance to learn English. They should not be left in sole charge of the child/ren.
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