Give a child their best start in life

Join our regular giving community to help shape a child’s future

It takes 13 people making a monthly gift of £20 to fund one child for a year. No matter how much you give, we promise to keep showing you where your money goes and the lives you're changing.

80% of your brain develops before you are three.

We know how to give every child their best start in life and with your help we will.  Join today to help children when it matters most.

VIDEO – Holly’s Story

It was the actions of one special person that inspired us to create our regular giving community.  Holly’s Grandmother set up a monthly donation because of our “life enhancing” support for Holly.

£8 /month

could pay for a sensory pack

£20 /month

with 12 others you could fund one child every year

£25 /month

could pay for a nursery session

In September, Holly turned five and started school, but we won’t be cancelling our standing order so that in some small way we will be helping another child to achieve their potential.

Ruth Marks

Holly’s Grandmother

Holly is our amazing little girl, with sparkling eyes and a beautiful smile that makes our days truly wonderful and marvellous.

Davey Gant

Holly’s Dad

The difference we made in 2022

hours of support were given through the Special Needs Inclusion Programme
children were funded part time nursery places
of children on our programmes made progress in their development
0 %

We know the difference we make for children and families because we measure it using an Outcomes Based Accountability (OBA) approach. This approach means that we are a data-led organisation and we know our contribution to creating community impact.

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