Coming up – Zoo Trip for Families

Fifty children and their parents have been invited to join us for our forthcoming Day Trip to the Zoo at Durrell. The children all access our Best Start Nursery Funding programme which funds their part time places at local nurseries across the Island. This programme exists to support children, aged 2-3 years living in poverty and with developmental delays to have their best start in life.

This trip is a special one that everyone looks forward to. One parent on a previous trip said, ” I have never been able to go to the Zoo before and so today is even more special; I get to visit the Zoo for the first time and it’s with my child.”

The children and their parents will explore all that the Zoo has to offer and meet some animals that they have never seen before. At lunchtime, we all meet up to share lunch together followed by some stories, signing and signing led by our JCCT team. It really is a day that makes lasting memories for all.

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