Get Involved
Help us to help more children in Jersey.
By fundraising for us you can directly support children and families in your community and feel good, knowing the difference that you are making. There are many ways that you can help us and be part of what we do.
Joining forces with us creates real change in our community for children and families. Now, more than ever, we need to join together so that all children can have their best start in life. We focus on education, health and childhood poverty.
We have opportunities for you to volunteer with us. With a variety of different roles, you could get to know us better and help us make an even bigger difference in our community.
Donate Online
You can change lives here in Jersey by donating to us online through Just Giving.
could pay for one hour of specialist support for a child with disabilities. Donate £16
could pay for a month of part time nursery for a child who is living with adversity. Donate £250
could pay for a year’s support for a child with disabilities. Donate £3,300
Donate in other ways
Please make cheques payable to Jersey Child Care Trust. Our postal address for donations is:
Jersey Child Care Trust
Pip’s Place
15 Union Street
St Helier
You can make a bank transfer into our account:
HSBC Account: The Jersey Child Care Trust
Number: 71231421
Sort Code: 40 25 33
Simply call us on 01534 629901 and we can process your card payment over the phone.
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