Training and Development

We work in partnership with members of the Best Start Partnership to provide training and development opportunities for the children’s workforce, parents and carers.

Follow our Eventbrite channel to receive notifications of our new courses.

Highlands College provide opportunities to gain qualifications in early childhood education and care.

Childcare and Early Years Service’s Training Directory provides specific courses for the registered childcare sector.

Family Nursing & Home Care are a Centre of Excellence in the provision of community healthcare education & development across the Island. They offer a wide range of course which are delivered by high quality and credible professionals who are fully qualified and accredited to teach the topics.

They offer many course including: Accredited Emergency First, Aid at Work courses (FAIB), Safe Moving and Handling (delivered by ROSPA certified Trainers), Food Hygiene Level 2, Infection Prevention & Control (delivered by the IPAC Specialist Nurse), Lone Worker plus many more –Family Nursing & Home Care Events – 28 Upcoming Activities and Tickets | Eventbrite .

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All Accredited Nannies have satisfied our accreditation criteria